Saturday, January 14, 2012

Are you for or against traffic cameras?

How do you feel about the traffic cameras popping up? Serious answers only, please. Are they a help or a hindrance?Are you for or against traffic cameras?
I am for traffic cameras, as long as they function correctly.

People who receive tickets after running a red light will be more careful the second time around, but there are some traffic cameras that merely photograph any car that runs two seconds after the YELLOW light kicks in......leading to a lot of misunderstandings and discrepancies against traffic cameras.
My brother was hit on his motorcycle by a red light runner. He is dead now and I will be requesting a traffic camera at the intersection, which is notorious for red light runners, to be installed by the city of San Francisco.

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Are you for or against traffic cameras?
I think they do help. THe catch people who are speeding, and make the roads a bit safer.
For.. they keep people from speeding and running red lights and killing people.Are you for or against traffic cameras?
I think they're great. I dont think they're necessary for catching speeders, but they're good for people that blow through stop lights, or to see what happened in intersection accidents. There are so many idiot drivers around here.. I hope they get plenty of tickets.
I'm with everyone else.. I'm for them
i am all for speed cameras especially in accident black spots and also on all main roads. what i dont agree with is the plain white vans (in uk) with hidden cameras i think the motorist has i right to know then they have there on choices
They are horrible! It's complete b.s. that the city wants so much money that they feel they need to put camera's up to catch u "speeding or running lights" when no one is around. Does this really help the problem of "speeding" or "running lights"? No. Because you dont get your ticket in the mail for about 2-3 weeks! I don't even remember what i did two weeks ago let alone if i "ran" a light or not.
they have had them in germany for a while now and they work great too help traffic control and help fight crime.
i hate them. we don't need more cameras in public. it's just another erosion of privacy and a small step towards a very bad thing.
They are a help, i get SOOOOO sick of RLRs driving straight in front of kids on the street and almost hitting them
Against. It's the cops' way of cheating. Either catch me in the act or leave me the hell alone.
I am in the middle. I agree that something needs to be done to stop people from speeding, but i do not think that they are that effective because people slow down when they see the camera, then speed up as soon as they are out of its range
I am for traffic cameras, as long as they function correctly.

And they get a good punishment for speeding
Against. Cameras only provide circumstantial evidence which cops, judges, and prosecutors all know are not allowable proof of a criminal violation (they have evidence of a license plate, not proof of a licensed driver). These are the easiest violations to beat, yet 90+% of people do not challenge violations. The governments know this and they are exploiting it because people feel safer (as noted here).

I respect that they help catch people and create a safer environment. However, it further prostitutes the government to generate income from responsible people who generally just pay the tickets while privileged (those who know lawyers or can afford lawyers) people get away with violations.
  • government auctions
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