Saturday, January 14, 2012

Do those sprays that are supposed to prevent traffic cameras from reading your license plates work?

Websites selling them say they are totally legal. What about some other legal methods?Do those sprays that are supposed to prevent traffic cameras from reading your license plates work?
Ask the court to have the arresting officer appear if you feel the traffic camera was incorrect. Those cameras can and do fail to function properly.
NoDo those sprays that are supposed to prevent traffic cameras from reading your license plates work?
No, they don't work. Since it's digital, and they are very powerful cameras, they can enhance the photo and the guy in tech can easily figure it out. Drive by the rules and you won't need the spray.Do those sprays that are supposed to prevent traffic cameras from reading your license plates work?
Where I live if you have anything on your license plate like mud, snow and worse what you are asking might have your vehicle pulled over by the police and the minimal that you will get is a fine, maybe vehicle impounded, points of your license (if the police believe that your are trying to do something illegal)...Also with cameras you might get away a few times but sooner or later you will get caught, they will have your make of car and maybe even your picture on film (solid proof in courts) but hey it up to you if you want to pull a "fraud" like this (Fraud basically an attempt to decieve or mislead)

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