Saturday, January 14, 2012

Have traffic cameras in Scottsdale really helped make traffic safer?

Or really just a tax collecting machine used on unwitting out-of-state motorists so ex-Californian residents can have all the Big Government programs in the city of Scottdale,AZ without the need to levy more taxes on themselves.Have traffic cameras in Scottsdale really helped make traffic safer?
It has cut down on high speed crashes but now people just hit their brakes and other people are rear ending them. So no it hasn't helped at all.Have traffic cameras in Scottsdale really helped make traffic safer?
I think they make driving more dangerous. Someone speeding sees the camera's then slams on their brakes to slow down enough so they don't get caught really causes problems and could cause accidents.Have traffic cameras in Scottsdale really helped make traffic safer?
Yes, it has. Although I disagree with the massive amount of money going to private companies for this program (where is the objectivity? the oversight? what prevents them from flashing cameras at just anybody to make a buck?), I can tell you that I feel much safer at the intersection of Scottsdale and Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. than I did before they had them. People used to speed down Scottsdale Rd. at 120 mph!

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