Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to start a petition to ban traffic light cameras?

How would I start it up in a city to ban traffic camera lights? I got a ticket for something that was completly not my fault and I think they cause more accidents then preventing them. Its another tax money racket for the city to piss away our hard earned money!How to start a petition to ban traffic light cameras?
I鈥檝e received 5 tickets resulting from those traffic cameras, and you know what... I deserved every last one of them. Unless some emergency vehicle forced you to run the light you probably deserved it to. Appeal it and see if they reduce the fine.
Someones paranoid.. Streetlight cameras are harmless. Get over it.How to start a petition to ban traffic light cameras?
Nope, sorry. Chances are you broke traffic laws and are trying to deny it. If you got a ticket for something "that was completely not your fault," then you can dispute it.

Lights are there to catch the millions of bad drivers out there who think they can run red lights and make other stupid driving decisions that put all the rest of us safe drivers at risk.

If anything, I wish there were more.
I agree but good luck...How to start a petition to ban traffic light cameras?
To start a petition, I think you need to write what you're petitioning, and then sign it. Ask your friends/colleagues to sign it, and ask them to tell other people about it. If the law is state or national, you'll need a lot of signatures.

You should read somebody else's answer too, though. You shouldn't take my word about it, because I've never started a petition, or looked up how to. I'm just guessing. Also, you could ask the city government how to petition. If they don't tell you, ask someone in the state or federal govenment.
Write up the petition, then you can go door-to-door, or to the mall or whatever and solicit signatures. No guarantee you will get a lot of signatures, and the city isn't required to take any action on it no matter how many signatures you get.

I think it would be easier to obey the traffic laws, which are in place to protect you and the rest of the people in your city,

If something was not your fault, you can try to fight in traffic court.
Go time some of the yellow lights. Some cities have been caught SHORTENING the yellow lights -- to unsafe levels -- to artificially increase the number of red light runners. If you can get them to increase the length of the yellows (try getting the media involved) they end up issuing fewer tickets.

Or try to get your state to pass a law that shares half the red-light camera profits with the state.

In either case, if the red light cameras become unprofitable for the city, they WILL uninstall them. Because contrary to what they MIGHT say about it being about safety, it's REALLY all about the profits.
Not to mention these cameras are in violation of the 6th amendment.

The right to see your accuser. These are just abused for revenue. And cops use the excuse for "protecting the rights of all" instead of the rights of the individual like the constitution was made for.

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