Friday, January 20, 2012

R speed limits really another way to raise government revenue,like traffic cameras?

At least sometimes.R speed limits really another way to raise government revenue,like traffic cameras?
For everyone who says YES, you need to educate yourself. My county gets about 3-7 % of the listed fine for each infraction written. The rest goes to the state to pay for crime victim funds, road repairs, special emphasis funding (seatbelt/DUI) etc. I have worked in several states and have never ever been given a quota to meet.
Speed limits are to protect the innocent people from the crazy ones who drive to fast for anyones good. It's not like they are unfair with what speed they post. Are you in that much of a hurry to get from point A to point B in a fast time? It will be there waiting for you .R speed limits really another way to raise government revenue,like traffic cameras?
Government is the servant of the people. They have no valid place "making law".

Your confused because you think it's the government that set those speed limits. It wasn't.

It was the corporation masquerading as the government.

You have the right to enter into contracts. You entered into a contract with the "Department of Motor Vehicles" when you applied for a "driver's license". Now you're obligated to fulfill your part of the contract, including obeying the entire "Vehicle Code".

Please notice the word "Code". This is not "Law", it is a "Code".

Government has the right to write "Code", but not "Law". The "People" wrote the law and elected public servants to carry it out. Those public servants then created the government corporation, made you believe you were obligated to contract with them. Once you did, you became obligated to obey the "Codes", "Statutes", "Ordinances" and "Regulations" they came up with.

Traveling is a God-given Constitutionally recognized and protected right. You don't need a "license" to travel, or to operate a private conveyance of any kind on public roadways. You just think you do.

Yes. Government just wants money. Any way they can get it. Every time they can get it. We're at their mercy, yet it's "our" government. I want a do over.R speed limits really another way to raise government revenue,like traffic cameras?
The reason for the current speed limit on freeways is lower fuel consumption. Cars are efficient at 55mph (for most vehicles) as the RPMs get hight over that cruzing speed gas consumption goes up goes up
Absolutely. Police like nothing more than to screw people like you out of money. If I remember right, you get speeding tickets from speeding. Since neither the police or the sign make you speed, who is at fault here? If you do not break the law, there are no tickets. What are you 12?

Speed limits are for safety. Would you want someone driving down the street in front of your child's school, at 60 mph? I don't think so.
Some places need speed limits. Do you think it would be OK to be able to do 60+mph in a school zone?

Speed cameras are a whole different issue
not sometimes, is all about the $$$$$$$$$.safety is secondary!
No, it's a guide to what speed is safe to drive. I wouldn't want people running 70mph down my street in the neighborhood.
No, its to get you to slow down
  • just tires
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