Saturday, January 14, 2012

Traffic Cameras?

Does anyone know what I can do if a traffic camera inaccurately captured my license plate. I made a complete stop at the intersection, but the camera snapped and said I did not stop at the intersection. I attempted to dispute the citation, however their recording looks like it was edited somehow making it look like I never stopped. What can I do? When I went to dispute the citation, I talked to several others around me and they had the same problem saying that the camera is inconsistent and snaps photos whether you made a complete stop or not. A few others say that they were cited because the vehicle in front of them ran a red light causing the camera to snap their photos. I feel this is so unfair. I am planning to call the media lines at the local newsstations to have them investigate the issue. What else can I do to prevent others from getting cited at this unjust intersection? I suppose theres nothing I can do to get the citation removed?Traffic Cameras?
You have answered your own question. No injustice survives the scrutiny of daylight. Call the media. If the cameras truly are at fault, it will make good news, and your fight will be won.

Note a small town police force of only 50 cops can generate over 100 tickets a day and note one traffic violation ticket in today鈥檚 world is 200 dollars. Now let鈥檚 multiply that by 365 days in a year you get 7million 3 hundred thousand dollars.

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Traffic Cameras?
Okay buddy I didnt read that all but you have like 5 question marks in that and by the way u must be a big HUGE nerd if ur worried about traffic cameras!!!!!!!!
nice try. Just pay the fine and admit it/ Take responsibility for your actions. The world won't end and you may even gain something from it.Traffic Cameras?
you can appeal the citiation to the courts

(my stepfather had a slimlar problem the truck in front ran red

but my step father got the ticket, he wrotte to teh courts(or the PD

or both) and the case was dismissed
This is going to depend on where you live...but in New York State, you can go to your Senator or Assembly person %26amp; ask them to have the Thruway Authority look into it. I work for a Senator %26amp; we get these all the time. I call the thruway authority weekly.

If you don't know who your representative is you can get it on-line by doing a search for your state government offices.
your scredwed this is a government fund raising tactic
Traffic cameras in many areas are ran by private companies that take a portion of the fine as payment. Many cities have had so many cases go to court that they are beginning to remove them saying they are "inaccurate" and used for "profit not safety". I'll do some research and get back to you with some sources. Good luck.

Check out the story below, may be of some help.
  • jeopardy game
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