Friday, January 20, 2012

What are traffic light cameras typically used for?

I'm thinking they're generally used to prove whether or not you committed a violation in court.What are traffic light cameras typically used for?
red light cameras are used to raise revenue.

The government may say they are to promote safety, but that is not true.

In Dallas the city spent lots of money to install red light cameras claiming they would reduce accidents, but after a few months they turned them off because they cost much more to maintain than the money being made off of fines.

Obviously safety was not the motive for the cameras.

Some people have beaten the ticket in court but most people just pay the fine.What are traffic light cameras typically used for?
G'day bud. In US i tnink you guys have them for traffic management purposes. Traffic management centres monitor traffic flow and control the traffic liught phases to suite conditions. I would thin kif you had a traffic accident at the intersection you believe to be the other drivers fault you may subpoena the footage, to be used in a court of law or civil court.

All the best.What are traffic light cameras typically used for?
Not only this. There are lot more uses of them.

They tells the traffic controller back in some computer room which side to let go. Not all of the traffic lights are controlled automatically.

Secondly, yeah you are right. They also help when you're charged against any violation. It is sort of witness in such cases. Electronic witness!

Thirdly they (traffic controlling department) records number of vehicles passing through that junction/point.

Hope you've got what I want to say.

to prove and to take a picture of your license plate so they can find you

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