Saturday, January 14, 2012

What is the purpose of Traffic Cameras at intersections?

what do they looks for?

I know they take your picture if you cross a red light but do they also look for illegal lane change?What is the purpose of Traffic Cameras at intersections?
Generally they are there for red light violations. They can also capture accidents if one or more of the vehicles violated a red light.

They normally do not look for illegal lane changes unless that lane change violates the red light. For example... if you're in the left turn lane with a red arrow meaning that you're stopped but you decide to pull out of that lane and go straight, that is a red light violation. (Your lane had a traffic signal indicating that you need to stop.)

It does depend on the cameras installed as to whether a video or still photo is taken. The cameras around us do take video.
It depends on WHAT the camera system was installed for.

Some are for red light, and other, violations.

Some are so controllers at a center can adjust lane usage based on traffic.

Some are simply to watch what goes on in the area.What is the purpose of Traffic Cameras at intersections?
Yeah they just look for whos a reckless driver, who appers to be drunk, and the lane and red light stuff

personally, i think there a waste
They take photos of cars that run red lights. The cameras do not tape record movement. They take still photos.What is the purpose of Traffic Cameras at intersections?
Big Brother wants to know everything...information is power... why do they watch...because they can.
Their main purpose is to catch people running red lights,known as red light violations.
collection of fines fees,etc

they wanna see if yer messin round with strange gerls
In case of accedents they can see what really happen

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