Friday, January 20, 2012

Who else thinks that traffic cameras that give you tickets are 100% intrusive and should be out-lawed, it's?

like they are spying on you, you might or might not know you did anything wrong and then 2 weeks later you get a traffic ticket in the mail. This is all about money. This is totally absurd and should be unconstitutional. Who agrees? It's like a shadow cop.Who else thinks that traffic cameras that give you tickets are 100% intrusive and should be out-lawed, it's?
Yes they should be outlawed. It would be way to easy for someone to abuse them for their own bad purposes.
would you say the same thing to a cop who pulled you over? No? Didn't think so.

Sure it's about money. The police dept cannot be everywhere all the time so the use of cameras comes into play.

Unconstitutional? Not going to happen for this is a locality issue and not a Federal one.

If this is the worst thing you have to fret over better get over it quickly for they are going to be used more and more and be around until the next piece of technology comes along making them obsolete.Who else thinks that traffic cameras that give you tickets are 100% intrusive and should be out-lawed, it's?
It's almost like they are putting camera's on everything.

Just this morning a guy rolled in a put camera's on the streetlamps near our neighborhood, many people sign petitions to outlaw them being that close, but they put them in anyway.

That much closer to a 100% monitored and ticketed society.

These need to be outlawed.
No, they are fine.

I have discovered that if you don't violate any traffic laws, you don't get any tickets at all.

Wanna know what I find scary? People who only obey the law because a cop is watching them. Those people should be off the road forever.Who else thinks that traffic cameras that give you tickets are 100% intrusive and should be out-lawed, it's?
The cameras are alive and well here in Arizona......and I hate it! You take a Republican run state and add in a conservative Democrat Governor and this is what you get.

Liberal Democrats will always look out for our personal freedoms. That you can take to the bank.
I disagree . . . . it is a PUBLIC place . . . .

The government has the right to put cameras on a public-owned traffic light.

Dan in Miami
Traffic cameras that take pictures at night with a very intrusive flashlight that itself can cause an accident should not exist. It scares and blinds the driver.
They are no more intrusive than a person standing on a street corner who sees you. If you don't want to be seen, stay home.
Ummm YEAH!! it is totally intrusive!! And yes-- it is completely about money!
Are they in your house? It's like saying a cop was stalking you because he caught you speeding. You鈥檙e just upset because you were caught right?
Who thinks people who speed and run red lights are endangering both their lives and possibly the lives of someone I care about?.....slow down no problems..
Only when you break the law are they then intrusive.Us law abiding citizens could care less............ Like turning left on a red light.............
Not me. Just stop running red lights and you will be fine and we will all be much safer.
It cuts down on money needed to patrol the roads. If you don't do anything wrong, then what it the problem?
It is tyrannical.
What driver doesn't know when they're breaking traffic laws?
If you are in public, you don't have a right to privacy.
I agree, they should be outlawed. What is this? The UK???

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