Friday, January 20, 2012

Why do people on the right allow traffic cameras to be set up at intersections?

Talk about freedom and government intervention? What say ye, RIGHT WINGERS?Why do people on the right allow traffic cameras to be set up at intersections?
For the same reason the people on the left 'allow' this. Basically, since we typically don't live in the cities that put up the cameras - we can't vote in their elections.

Why do you think that most traffic cameras are placed in intersections that are mostly used by commuters? (You will never see a traffic camera in a section of town where most of the traffic is residents.)
I do not live in a city and therefore can not vote on the issue. They have a prop.3 on the Harris Cty. ballot which effects Houston.

But I would say that red light cameras save lives.....There are a lot of illegals that do not know the law but they know those cameras.Why do people on the right allow traffic cameras to be set up at intersections?
And your supporting facts are what? In Arizona, it was (D) Janet Napolitano that supported the traffic cameras. (R) Jan Brewer ended the program.

Try again when you can actually comprehend the facts.
I know. Everyday I see people with Bush shirts on putting up cameras at all the intersections. Last I checked the Democrats control the majority of our government and the cameras have only increased.Why do people on the right allow traffic cameras to be set up at intersections?
People who run red light kill pedestrians, and the best way to prevent people from breaking laws is to make it likely they will be caught. It does not violate peoples rights anymore than putting a cop at a intersection, it is just cheaper.
"right wingers" didn't set the camera's up. In fact, the federal government didn't either. You need to speak with someone in local or state law enforcement about that.
Chicago has traffic cameras and Chicago has been run by Democrats since 1931, so your allegations are proven false.

There is no invasion of privacy, as far as I am aware. It is simply doing the job that we can't afford enough to pay police to do on their own.
National security .
so they can catch you speeding and driving recklessly.
Uh, it's now your "right" to run red lights now?

WTF are you babbling about?
to catch people on the left running red lights as they think they are above the law
Got a source to back up that claim? Didn't think so.
Why are people on the left so flaming gay?
Dang I must have missed that, when did they leave it up to us? I hate those things !
In my city they were working until the morning of


The good Americans of Honolulu on that date decided in mass to never pay the tickets,

and to speed through intersections anyway. The cams came down in weeks.

And the speed limits went up.

We feared the Americans so much after 9-11 that we let them run us down and kill us by the dozenss to appease their need for speed.

And the cameras never went up again.
They do catch catch some criminals but it is STILL GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION and it IS THE RIGHT WING THAT IS FOR THIS



They want to maximize government interference in peoples' lives.

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