Friday, January 20, 2012

Do those intersection traffic cameras capture people speeding?

I usually blast through intersections at about 50-60mph on a 40mph street.

I've never gotten a ticket or anything, but today I think I might have seen the flashing of the camera.

Do they capture speeding, or just people running red lights?Do those intersection traffic cameras capture people speeding?
I read recently that these cams have been so successful at reducing red light running, that the revenue stream has dwindled down too low. SO, cities are reprogramming most of them to also catch people who don't stop before turning right on a red.

It's probably only a matter of time before speeders will be photographed too my friend. GOOD!

You don't NEED to be speeding around town like that.Do those intersection traffic cameras capture people speeding?
no. they only use those camera's to replay a crash or something. they wouldn't single you out among the thousands that go by each day.

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