Monday, January 23, 2012

Do traffic light cameras flash as soon as it changes to amber?

I went through a traffic light junction earlier which has a camera (catching red light runners) and the light had just changed to amber a split second b4 i passed the stop line but I was definatly past the line b4 it got to red, would I still get done? and i was not going at speed or anything either.

Wd i still get done, do they activate as soon as they start to change or give a few seconds or summin lee-way or wt? cheers in advanceDo traffic light cameras flash as soon as it changes to amber?
The cameras wont activate on amber.

However, many stop light cameras' are timed with an amber light of only two seconds instead of the usual four seconds....after all they are there to raise revenue, not to increase public safety.
The law in most locations states that you cannot enter the intersection (cross the Stop Line) on a steady red signal. This means if any part of your car (even just the front bumper) has crossed the stop line at the instant the signal goes from amber to red, then you entered the intersection on amber. That would not be a violation.

If the light changes from amber to red and your front bumper has not crossed (entered) the stop line, then this would be a violation if you continue into the intersection with the red signal.

Most red light cameras are set up with sensors in the pavement approaching the stop line. These sensors or wire loops can detect a vehicles speed as they drive over them. As the signal turns amber to red the loops detect a vehicle at a certain speed that is determined that a car couldn't physically stop prior to the stop line. A series of photos are then snapped...

First one shows the violator's car prior to the stop line.

Second one shows the violator's car passed the stop line.

Third one shows a close-up of violator's license plate.

Some jurisdictions have a fourth that shows a view from ahead that shows driver's face.Do traffic light cameras flash as soon as it changes to amber?
No if your sure you passed the stop sign on amber then your safe. But the cams only go off AFTER the signal has changed to red so you could be wrong, maybe the amber was not on for long, some of them change to red real quick. go back to the same traffic light and see how fast the amber changes to red.
In the uk then no - they only work on red as amber means only stop if it safe to do so. From what you say you have done nothing wrong.Do traffic light cameras flash as soon as it changes to amber?

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