Saturday, January 14, 2012

Does aerosal hairspray really help against traffic cameras?

I've been reading that aerosal hair spray makes it hard for traffic cameras to detect the license plate once it flashes because it reflects, is that myth or truth?Does aerosal hairspray really help against traffic cameras?
Stop running red lights and you won't have to worry about it--or about broadsiding a family on their way to the grocery store.

They tried all sort of things on Myth Busters and they Busted the hair spray myth.Does aerosal hairspray really help against traffic cameras?
why don't try it out and let us know.
The Mythbusters did tests on all of these types of sprays and etc.. on license plates and all of this stuff does not workDoes aerosal hairspray really help against traffic cameras?
the cameras are there for safetuy reasons so who or why would we feel the need to defect their use. think of it this way---you loose a loved one in a rta and the person to blame wasnt convicted correctly because he or she had corrupted the use of that traffic camera----would you be proud of this persons corruption or very hurt that there wasnt enough evidence to convict the person who took away your loved one? makes the whole question hit home when you think of it like that doesnt it? keep to the rules of the road and have a safe and pleasent journey.
Completely false, just don't speed.
What if you bought one of those speed camera detectors-they're only $450 or sth like that-when you say "whoa that's expensive" thiink about the cost on your wallet if you run past the camera 3 or 4 times in a month-you'll lose your license.

Or if you run a red light you *gasp* might hurt someone-no wait- you may maim or kill an innocent person. Won't that leave a mark on your conscience?

How about you try and drive safely, and leave the speed camera detection to the device?

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