Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stoplight traffic cameras: who is really responsible for the fine?

Everyone has seen or heard about cameras taking pictures (or video) of cars running red lights so that later you can receive a nice fine in the mail but how legal is this practice? If I let a family member or friend borrow my car and they get pulled over, it鈥檚 their responsibility to pay the traffic fine鈥ight? But what if they run a red light and I get a ticket in the mail, am I legally obligated to pay it? How about if it鈥檚 a rental vehicle?

What do you think about this subject?Stoplight traffic cameras: who is really responsible for the fine?
By statutes in every state, the owner of the vehicle that is photographed is responsible for payment of the fine. That person may then take a civil action against the driver for repayment of the fine, if they can prove the driver was who they say it was, and not themselves.

For Rental Vehicles, it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but the majority makes the lessee/assignee of the lease/rental agreement liable. That means the person who actually rents the car.Stoplight traffic cameras: who is really responsible for the fine?
Violates the 6th amendment. "The right to an accuser"

A camera cant be brought to a court room now can it?

We're losing our individual freedoms that were guaranteed to us by the founding fathers for the better of "all"

This **** needs to be fought until they're gone or we die.Stoplight traffic cameras: who is really responsible for the fine?
The owner of the vehicle is responsible and if you receive a ticket on a rental, the rental company will track you and make you pay it

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