Friday, January 20, 2012

How do average speed cameras work on stretches of road that have traffic lights?

I understand the general theory, but the road where they've been installed recently has several sets of traffic lights. Are the cameras connected to the lights and can therefore allow for the time you're stopped in the queue? If not, there's not much point to them, as your queueing time will inevitably bring down your average speed.How do average speed cameras work on stretches of road that have traffic lights?
whilst the lights are green traffic still flows, each space between the cameras will be a different time frame. so no it is not useless and will still catch pricks that speed,

the people getting caught most will be white van men and the big artic drivers that race around every where
Well first you have to realise there are a number of different cameras. One , the standard takes two pics over a set distance. The works the speed out from the time taken to travel the marked distance.

Two, Simply is wired to the lights to take pics of anyone going through red lights, they are usually much slimmer than the speed camera.

Three, is the average speed camera which works out the speed over a distance and probably wouldn't work where traffic lights are involved.......but you can never tell.

Then you have your digital cams......But that's another story.How do average speed cameras work on stretches of road that have traffic lights?
well i think if its a double brested road which is pretty straight it maybe just empty boxies. but they are there for a reason most prob when it gets dark to stop street racing and the like.

but still they maynot be speed cams they maybe to watch the lights and to see if anyone jumps a red or not or they could be automatic number plate recognisers or some point accross the junction to see whos driving and also gets reg number and if it taxed or not all quite possible.
Good point....I have only ever encountered three of them...two have been on motorways and one on a main road in Ayrshire, non of which had traffic lights.....I suppose that as you say, the lights would lower the average speed, so if you are over the limit, you must have been really moving, and have no excuses.How do average speed cameras work on stretches of road that have traffic lights?
The cameras would be unlikely to be connected to the lights which effectively renders them useless. Sounds like somebody has been wasting taxpayers money again.
dont forget theres a green light too.

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