Friday, January 20, 2012

Does this license plate spray work to hide your tag from traffic cameras?

I think I got nabbed today by a camera but I have that spray on them.Does this license plate spray work to hide your tag from traffic cameras?

useless waste of money

MythBusters episode 73
Yes, it works. Let me tell you from my 20 years of experience that this product has the ability to make the red light cameras obsolete. We are really counting on this revenue and this product is going to kill us.

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Does this license plate spray work to hide your tag from traffic cameras?
No, that stuff is illegal since it is considered "defacing your licence plate" or in some states "defacing government property".

The only way I've been able to avoid traffic cameras is not washing my car. Since I live on a dirt road, the dirt covers the plate to a point where it's illegible. Yes, I've been pulled over for it, but never received a ticket for the fact that I live on a dirt road.
They do work. All of them. Except driving real fast duh you cant beat speed of light.鈥?/a>Does this license plate spray work to hide your tag from traffic cameras?
Generally the sprays are both inefficient and illegal.

But you will know within the week, won't you?
it is agaist the law in every state to deface a plate so that it cannot be read. you are lucky he didn't write you a few.
It works. but sometimes those cameras take the pictures from front and back. so make sure you sprayed it on both sides. Also, sometimes that spray can come off with time.

The best thing to do is drive safe and dont run red lights.

Good luck!

Nope plus anything that you put on your plates including frames in some states is illegal.

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