Friday, January 20, 2012

How many "traffic cameras" can you spot on your way to work?

in california on the freeways they usually are on top of exit signsHow many "traffic cameras" can you spot on your way to work?
None. They put ours on the freeway light poles. At the top, out of shotgun range.
In my city they only take stills when you run a red light, so they probably ain't spotting me. The flash for the camera is ridiculously huge and probably causes more accidents than it prevents.

Robo-Cops are a draconian idea and a waste of money.How many "traffic cameras" can you spot on your way to work?
none highway 12 has no Traffic cameras
those cameras are there for your protectionHow many "traffic cameras" can you spot on your way to work?
on almost every corner (I'm in NYC), but I don't care cause I use public transportation.
we don't have any either. I don't even drive through a light, just a couple of stop signs.
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia... (they're watching right now)
About 5....And I flip them all off. Great thing about freedom
None. My city dont have them.....yet

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