Friday, January 20, 2012

The local government is considering adding traffic cameras to catch people speeding and running red lights.?

Do you agree with this? Should people learn to obey the traffic laws and take responsibility for their own actions or is this an invasion of their rights?The local government is considering adding traffic cameras to catch people speeding and running red lights.?
while it would be kinda cool to see myself on the internet commiting a crime, i'm not for it - unless the sudden increase in funds from ticket payment is going to go for something useful like building more bars or something.

one major drawback to this is that it will be harder to sneak around and cheat on your spouse/significant other. can you imagine the look on your wife's face when she signs onto the website to watch you run a red light, and some other chick's head is bobbin up and down on your crotch?
There is no invasion of anyone's rights in putting up traffic cameras. Driving is a privilegd, not a right and cameras are an added method to stopping violators.The local government is considering adding traffic cameras to catch people speeding and running red lights.?
Where do you live? We've had those in big cities in Canada for years. I think it's useful.
I don't see it as an invasion of any rights. But I have questions about whether they identify only the car or the driver. If the former the ticket would be like a parking ticket, monetary fine only, and couldn't put points on a driver's license.The local government is considering adding traffic cameras to catch people speeding and running red lights.?
Chicago did it for red lights...then the people recieving tickets after legally stopping before making a right on red caused a little problem. They only see cars going through the light, not that they made a legal turn.

I think as far as speeding, you can't put up a hidden radar to catch me. Make the trooper catch me.
i love this, mayb peeps would quit running them, my city just started doin this too. Plus it frees the police up to do more important things.
What's the point of having laws if the police aren't willing to enforce them to their fullest extent? Red light cameras are just an extension of justice. I know for sure that I would be a more conscious driver if there were red light cameras.
Invasion of WHAT rights?

Traffic cameras are used on public roads, and the intent is PROOF that a person (or vehicle) did, in fact, break the law by running a red light. Obviously, people "should" obey the traffic laws. Obviously, should and reality are two different things. Of course, people should take responsibility for what they do. As long as a camera (non biased record) shows that they ran the light.. then the camera helps enforce that.

Granted, there can be errors of who is driving the car.. but studies have proven that the cameras may help prevent some accidents, simply because persons are less likely to risk running lights, knowing there WILL be a record.

When on a public street.. the priority is public safety, which anyone driving should be aware of. You always "forfeit" certain rights (if you want to call it that) by being in a public place with others.
they can do it. We've had them where we live for awhile. I don't know how effective they really are. We used to have photo radar but they too, but they stopped.

I personally think it's OK for the red light cameras. Too many people run red lights and put other people at danger. Getting a ticket or two may teach them a lesson.
We have them in UK.
Yeah i think that it is a good idea as long as they help to catch those drivers who are speeding etc cos in london there are approx 10,524 CCTV cameras yet they haven't really helped to reduce and solve crimes. Just hope those cameras are put in place for the right reasons, not so that we become even more of a big brother nation.
College Station TX recently installed three sets of cameras on Harvey Road. Just after they went on-line I got busted twice over three days making right turns on red without stopping, for a total fine of $150. Yeowch!

They considerately provided a link to a website where I could 1) watch a very clear digital video of myself committing the violation and 2) pay the fine. How convenient! It was no contest, as I was clearly guilty. I paid the fines, and you can bet it cured me from trying that little trick again!

Do I think it's a violation of my rights? No, of course not. It may have been convenient for me to run those lights (after all, nobody was coming and my running the light in that manner did no harm to anyone) but the law is the law and should be enforced equally. I did the crime, got caught, paid my fine, and am a better driver now. Well ... at least on Harvey Road.

And I smile every time I see someone else running that light because I know they're in for the same shock I got when I opened my PO Box and took out those two nasty little envelopes, lol! Live %26amp; learn...

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