Saturday, January 14, 2012

If you run a red light with one of those traffic cameras, and it takes a picture, you would know right?

Because the camera flashes a really bright light. It should reflect in one's mirror...right? As you can guess, I ran a red light today, but didn't see a flash.

Besides, what constitutes as 'running a red light?' Is there a certain location you have to be at as you cross the traffic light?If you run a red light with one of those traffic cameras, and it takes a picture, you would know right?
You will certainly find out when the ticket comes in the mail. And they generally use infrared cameras so there's zero visible flash as to not distract drivers and cause accidents.If you run a red light with one of those traffic cameras, and it takes a picture, you would know right?
I don't think you would know, because either they have cameras that don't have a bright flash, as has been said, or I think in some places they use video taping.If you run a red light with one of those traffic cameras, and it takes a picture, you would know right?
You will not necessarily know. Many use an infrared flash now.
You, assuming it's your car, will know when the ticket arrives.

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