Saturday, January 14, 2012

Can you receive a traffic ticket by the traffic light cameras.?

I accidently ran a red light. I think the traffic lights has those cameras things on it. I live in Florida and was wondering can they give you a ticket for it. I thought it is different for every state, but just wanted to make sure? Also, if they do give tickets, do you have to be a repeat offender or do they automatically give you one on the first offense?Can you receive a traffic ticket by the traffic light cameras.?
they mail you a ticket.

the camera takes a picture of your plates and sends the ticket to whoever that car is registered to.Can you receive a traffic ticket by the traffic light cameras.?
Well, I live in NC, but when my grandmother ran one, they mailed her an envelope with three pictures in it, which was three different angles of her car, and in every picture you could see her license plate number very clearly. In the same envelope was a citation and a court date.

So yes, they can give you a ticket for it, and it doesn't matter if you're a repeat offender or not.Can you receive a traffic ticket by the traffic light cameras.?
Yes they can book you and yes they will book you. Unless the camera was off expect a ticket sorry man :(

(they take .3 of a second to turn on though, so if you only JUST ran it you might be safe)

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