Saturday, January 14, 2012

Do red light traffic cameras make a sound when they take a picture?

When I was going through a yellow, it turned red when I was like 1/3 through the middle of the street. I honestly thought this wouldn't be considered going through a red. I heard a few small barely audible beeps, and I was like "****.. was that a camera intersection?". When driving across that street again on the way home I did not see any of those big white cameras on top anywhere. I only saw a little black box between the left turn signals and the straight signals. Down a few streets I saw big white cameras that were obviously cameras, but on the street I went through the yellow I did not see that, nor did I see any warning signs saying its photo enforced. My question is, do those cameras make a beep sound after they take a picture? I'm thinking maybe I just heard something that wasn't a camera since I didn't see one. I'm worried sick!Do red light traffic cameras make a sound when they take a picture?
probably an audible crosswalk signal is what you heard. As for them white cameras you see on the signal lights, Most of them are just traffic cams to assist the traffic lights when traffic is lighter. That way you don't have to sit so long at a light when you stop at a red light. The little black box you seen is for emergency vehicles use. The emergency vehicle can send out a signal turning the lights either red in all four directions or giving them a green light so cross traffic can stop allowing them easier access through the intersection. As for them white cameras catching you running a red light, well they are technically blind as they primarily only can only detect a vehicle within its preset area. Basically it is programmed with a view of the intersection and when you pull up it changes the view so the camera sends a signal changing the light to green via a preset program to get you on your way. It can not be used to see your vehicle license plate or anything clearly. I asked the installers once when they were putting them up near my home one day as I was also concerned about them being used to catch red light runners. Normally traffic control cams( red light cams) are mounted on a pole beside the intersection facing the intersection and are quite big.(at least the ones I have seen are) Some even have bright lights mounted on them to assist them to see you better. Wouldn't worry about it now though. If what you did have were traffic cams you would have gotten the ticket in the mail by now.
When you run the red light and a camera is observing, you will not hear it, you may have heard the crosswalk indicator. You did state you going through a yellow light and it turned red when you were 1/3 through it. come on, you surely KNEW it was yellow prior to your entry, trying to get thru, speeding up before it turned red, so yellow means prepare to stop, not speed up to beat the light. Pay the fine %26amp; SLOW DOWN WHEN YOU SEE THE YELLOWDo red light traffic cameras make a sound when they take a picture?
They generally make a quiet clicking sound, but the bigger issue is this: Were you already in the intersection before your light turned red? If so, my understanding is that you're fine. As far as I know it is illegal to enter the intersection AFTER the light turns red. The trick here is not to start "racing" the red light, or sooner or later it will turn red too soon, and that will probably be at one of the camera intersections, if your luck is anything like mine. Lastly, I know it's hard, but don't worry about stuff that already happened. Even if you do get the ticket, there's nothing you can do about it right now.
Do red light traffic cameras make a sound when they take a picture?

Yes... It's the sound of a cash register ringing up more profit for the company who contracts with the city to put up those stupid cameras.Do red light traffic cameras make a sound when they take a picture?
they do make a sound,but not loud enough for you to hear. if the light was yellow dont worry you wont have a ticket.
they do make a sound like this, "TIK-IT".
I would almost bet it was the audible crosswalk sound you heard. Some intersections have them for blind people to safely cross the road I doubt it was the camera making the noise

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