Saturday, January 14, 2012

What is the policy on traffic cameras?

So what is the policy of red light cameras? Does there have to be a sign saying there is one?What is the policy on traffic cameras?
No, there does not have to be a sign. It kind of defeats the purpose of having one if you don't have a sign, but nobody said local government has to do things intelligently.

ADD: The point of red light cameras is to prevent people from running red lights in the first place, not catch them after the fact. If you warn people ahead of time that a red light camera is ahead, they are less likely to run the red light than if they are not aware of it. I didn't realize this part needed to be explained.What is the policy on traffic cameras?
I f you are asking if the 197 countries in the world, with hundreds of internal jurisdictional divisions, have a consistent and common law on the use of red light cameras, the answer is no.

Red light cameras are visible and obvious, and the operation of red lights and the laws concerning them are clear. I cannot see any need for anyone to need a warning.What is the policy on traffic cameras?
Depends on the laws of your unknown country and, if it's a Federal country, on the laws of your unknown State or Province.

There is no one universal law that applies everywhere on earth. If people don't say where they are, they can't get accurate answers.

no there doesnt
  • translate japanese to english
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