Friday, January 20, 2012

Question about traffic cameras?

Are the cameras that are installed at traffic intersections there for review in the case of accidents or do they take pictures if you are running red lights? Can tickets be issued simply based on the camera's footage?Question about traffic cameras?
The cameras placed on top of the light posts are usually for traffic monitoring and accident review only. If a camera is used to give out tickets, it will be accompanied by a flash bulb that will illuminate your license plate. These usually look like a big gray box about 8 feet tall and stand on their own. The cameras on top of the traffic light poles are on almost every major intersection but are not used to give out tickets. In Colorado a sign must accompany any camera that will give out tickets, saying something like "Photo Enforced Intersection Ahead" or something like that.Question about traffic cameras?
door number 2.

They are for red light tickets ONLY. We have many in NYC. And yes they issue lots of tickets.


The way they keep the number of people fighting it low is by

(1) you do not get to see the picture - only the ticket

(2) you get to see the picture if you fight it

(3) if you lose you have to pay and get point

(4) if you win you win

(5) if you never fight it you just pay and no points.

So the encouragement is to pay (and get no points).

Good Luck...Question about traffic cameras?
Yes they take pictures of people who run red lights. If you get caught, the camera will usually take a few pictures including the front of the car where the driver sits, the license plate, and images of the car before and after you enter the intersection.
They are present for red lights only. Yes, you can and will be ticketed for running a red light with a camera. The tickets for red lights in Houston where i am run at about 85 dollars for the first violation.

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