Saturday, January 14, 2012

What do red traffic light cameras look like?

When I am driving, I often noticed these little camera things on the horizontal poles that hold the traffic lights: (circled in red) (what they look like)

People tell me red light cameras are a lot bigger and they flash.

Thanks!What do red traffic light cameras look like?
The ones you circled red are the sensors. They operate and to sense that a car is waiting for the light to turn green.

The camera's on the stop lights are like surveillance camera's used in important buildings to detect possible Burglary.

Yes they are big. I don't know why people still try to beat the red light.What do red traffic light cameras look like?
The back of a camera is shown on the far right of the picture. It faces and is for the oncoming traffic.

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What do red traffic light cameras look like?
In your first photo, the big box on the right is the red-light camera. The thing you circled in photo 1, and the thing in photo 2 is a sensor for emergency vehicles that detects the approach of an emergency vehicle (police, ambulance, fire, etc.)

Emergency vehicles have a special light on them that will trigger the traffic signals to turn green for them. This allows them to not-only get every light green, but also to clear an intersection if cars are stopped at the light in front of them.

The devices are called "preemption detectors" and most major cities in the US have them on their intersections.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
google. Here:鈥?/a>

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