Monday, January 23, 2012

NYC Traffic Cameras - Other offenses besides red light?

Hey, because of traffic, I ended up stopping my car in the white, crosswalk section of the street. A "friendly" traffic cop, approached my car, and told me to smile, because the camera on top of the traffic light took a picture of me, and that I would receive a $165 ticket in the mail.

Is that true? I thought they only catch running red lights? Can anyone confirm or was she just busting my chops? (Jersey plates never help...)NYC Traffic Cameras - Other offenses besides red light?
He was just yanking your chain... you would have to have gone completely through the intersection to have had a violation because those cameras take a picture of your REAR plate, AND the traffic light showing RED, to prove that you were in the intersection while it WAS red!

Good luck, and, just in case, the link below is to a webpage about Red-Light-Camera tickets and how to fight them...NYC Traffic Cameras - Other offenses besides red light?
the camera's are located to take a picture of license plates of cars that go through the intersection after the light changes.

Since you did not go through the intersection, then your car was not in position for it to get your plate. Plus, since you didn't go through the intersection, it would not have tripped the camera, so no picture was taken.NYC Traffic Cameras - Other offenses besides red light?
I think those tickets are really stupid

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