Saturday, February 18, 2012

Traffic light camera flashed at me?

I was on my way home from grocery shopping. I was like not so far from the traffic light, it turned yellow when I was close. I couldn't stop since I was close to the white line. When my tires almost touched the white line, it turned red immediately. Then a camera flash appears. I was going under the speed limit, didn't sped or anything. I was driving just fine. How much would the ticket cost, and how long would it take to receive the ticket?Traffic light camera flashed at me?
Don't worry until you get the ticket.

If the city sends you a ticket, the city is penalizing you for the failure of the traffic engineer. Fraction of a second violations are all caused by the engineering defect called the dilemma zone. The dilemma zone is what all the red light camera companies exploit. It is the basis of their business model. In brief, cities penalize the innocent for the ignorance and lazyness of traffic engineers.

You can read about it below.Traffic light camera flashed at me?
If the City does not send you a ticket then you do not have to worry about it. They have to mail the ticket out by 21 days after the date of the alleged violation. in most cases the ticket goes out in 5 days. In California the fine is approximately $450 not including the traffic school fee of $50 and the fee that you have to pay to the traffic school $50 to $80. Total damage is $500 to $550. If you cannot do traffic school then total damage is $450 plus 20% to 30% additional insurance premium for the next 3 years.

For free information on how to fight red light photo tickets go to www.2FixYourTrafficTicket.comTraffic light camera flashed at me?
Sounds like a red-light camera got ya. Watch the mail for a possible ticket.

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